Queen Elizabeth National Park

It’s the outstanding natural beauty of Queen Elizabeth National Park that made it one of the prime tourism destinations in Uganda. Visitors flock here to see wildlife, track chimpanzees, sails on the Kazinga channel and also take a clear glance at tree climbing lions that rest up in tree branches all day. The people of Uganda are too proud with their natural wonder of paradise and they welcome guests to feel the beauty of nature and conservation. The wonderful views of Rwenzori Mountain and the savanna plain is another feature that put a smile on every ones face while exploring the park.

Where to Find Queen Elizabeth National Park

Find this incredible park in western Uganda in districts of Kasese, Bushenyi and Bundibugyo.Its easily accessed by road and its 5-6 hour drive from Kampala via Mbarara town another famous town in western Uganda From Bwindi Forest national Park, it’s still accessed by road on a short drive distance of about 2-3 hours  that is you from Buhoma sector of Bwindi.However, the drive is more long for those coming from other sectors of Bwindi like Rushaga, Nkuringo and Ruhija.Most of Queen Elizabeth is made up of  sprawling savanna plains, lakes,wetlands,humid forests which make it a perfect place  for big game, primate viewing and bird watching.

Popular Landmarks

This is a popular spot with visitors because of the wildlife spectacle. It is found in the confines of Queen Elizabeth National Park. At the channel’s shorelines a profusion of animals and birds converge, and their variety adds to the channel’s attraction. These are best viewed on a launch trip up the channel where hippos and pelicans besides other animals and birds can be seen. The channel is definitely worth visiting and the launch trip one worth taking.

Queen Elizabeth Wildlife

The park is Uganda’s most popular game viewing ground and it hosts an amazing number of tree climbing lions. You will definitely see your favorite wildlife including lions, elephants, Buffaloes, leopard, Warthogs, kobs, topis, waterbucks and of course hippos and crocodiles in the Kazinga Channel.

The best time to go is all year January to December because wildlife and other park habitats roam in plenty. All Queen Elizabeth tour adventures are exciting no matter when you visit.

Things to do in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Game Drives

This is the most done tour adventure by all visitors to Queen Elizabeth National park especially in mornings and evening though others find it fan to view some wildlife under the hot sun as they get to the park in either ishasha sector or Kasenyi where wildlife roams in huge numbers. You need to move around with  a park rangers who know where to find particular wildlife species that are hard to find when doing the drive alone. However, it’s  game drives are superb in morning hours when the weather is calm and late evenings during just after sunset. Among what will impress you are the elephants as they make way down the waters on a hot day and the beautiful views of the volcanoes carters at the foothills of mountain Rwenzori also known as the mountain of the moon.

Chimpanzee Trekking

Since Queen Elizabeth is a home of ten primate species with chimpanzees as the main, visitors to the park enjoy tracking chimpanzees in mornings and afternoons in Kyambura gorge or Kalinzu forest reserve that shares borders with Kyambura.The humid forests   are habitants  to chimpanzees, Black and white  colobus monkeys, olive baboons, birds, snakes and many other primates. A trip to either Kyambura gorge or Kalinzu offers rewarding chimpanzee safari experience an activity you will cherish if you a primate fan.

Boat cruise

Another exciting tour adventure experienced on the channel that joins Lake George and Edward. Don’t miss  to relax in leisure  under fresh winds  as you feeds eyes on high concentration of hippos, crocodiles, birds and wildlife. Others to enjoy are the beautiful views of the channel and the surrounding. The park guides are very informed and they make the experience even more exclusive. This is the best adventure to take on on a free afternoon in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Safari Lodges in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth offers variety of accommodation facilities catering for both budget and luxury tourists all year.The park safari lodges include Mweya safari Lodge, Katara lodge, Jacana safari lodge, Ishasha wilderness camp, Kyambara lodge, baboon lodge, Enganzi lodge, Bush lodge, Simba safari camp, Pumba cottages, Mweya hostels and UWA Bandas.
